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MPNRC 2021 Registration, Recruitment, Application form, Fee, Exam date Admit card, Result is right here. MPNRC stands for Madhya Pradesh Nurses Registration Council. It was established in 1956 and earlier it was called “Mahakaushal Nurses Registration Council”. Till 2005, Both Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh were involved in MPNRC. On 18 May 2012, the State government changes the name and kept it Madhya Pradesh Nurses Registration Council.


From 1956 to 1980, only 56 education institutes were being operated under it. Most of these were government schools, nursing colleges, and ANM training centers. Now the school and colleges are being increased at a very high pace. At present, around 450 nursing schools, colleges are being governed under MPNRC.

The 450 nursing schools and colleges teach courses like ANM, GNM, Nursing, Post Basic Nursing, Nursing. Government ANM and GNM training centers allow only female students while private colleges allow both male and female trainees. Five new Government Nursing universities were also opened in 2018-19.

MPNRC Bhopal

Madhya Pradesh Nurses Registration Council is located in Bhopal so it is also called MPNRC Bhopal.

MPNRC Online Registration 2021

Each aspirant need to go through the MPNRC registration to be a certified nurse. MPNRC online registration can be easily done. There is a particular process of registration that needs to be followed by the applicants. The instructions and process for MP Nurses registration is given below.

  • Each applicant should download the application form by clicking this link.
  • After filling the form, the form shall be forwarded by the head of the training center. The head must do the verification with a seal and signature.
  • Get 3 passport-sized photos and get them attested by a gazette officer. The photos should not be pasted on the registration form.
  • Get a crossed bank draft for a fee in favor of “The Registrar, Madhya Pradesh Nurses Registration Council, Bhopal”.
  • A late fee of 100 INR will be charged if the form is one month late after the declaration of the result.
  • You must send the original copies of the testimonials. These copies should include the Address, Name, and Designation of the testier and the date of the testimonial.
  • The application fee must be submitted for registration. The application fee is given below.
MPNRC registration

MPNRC Application fee

The Application fee will be different for different types of registrations. Check the given table below to get the fee details.

Course Reg. Fee (INR)
B.Sc Nursing 1500
GNM 1500
General Nurse 500
Midwife 500
ANM 600

MPNRC Recruitment 2021

Every year, a lot of nursing-related jobs are being announced in Madhya Pradesh. Most of this recruitment is conducted under MP Nurses Registration Council. These jobs include staff nurse, NHM, ANM, and GNM vacancies. Certain eligibility criteria should be met before applying for these jobs.

Eligibility conditions, Age limit, Salary, Education qualification, application fee, selection process, and registration process for each post are different. One must go through each and every detail carefully before applying for the NRC.

MPNRC Notification 2021

MP Nurses Registration Council releases various notifications related to the registrations, recruitments of Staff Nurses, ANM and GNM, etc. These notifications are always uploaded on the official MPNRC website i.e.

The notification is always in PDF format and aspirants can download it directly. The notification contains details like registration schedule, recruitment news, eligibility, application, and registration fee along with the procedure.

MPNRC Exam date 2021

UG and PG nursing courses exam dates are crucial for the students. Each year, MP NRC releases the time table for each year separately. The students of ANM, GNM and Diploma can get their exam dates and schedule from the official website i.e.

MP GNM/ANM 1st year exam date Coming Soon
MP GNM/ANM 2nd year exam date
MP GNM/ANM 2nd year exam date

MPNRC Admit card 2021

The admit card is a necessary document to enter the exam hall. Each semester, admit cards are released a few days before the exam dates. The official portal to download the admit card is The students need to download the admit card and check if all the details are correctly written or not.

If an aspirant finds ambiguity in the admit card, he/she must contact the concerned authority to get help. No students will be allowed to sit in the exam hall if he/she does not possess the admit card. You must visit to download your admit card before the exam date.

MPNRC result 2021

MP NRC ANM GNM result is released for each year. 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students can check their results from the official website MP Nurses registration council. If you are a nursing student then you can visit the official MP online portal to get the result file.

The result can be checked using your login details that you are provided with. The students should refer to the official website for details related to the registration and results.