Uttar Pradesh government has decided to launch UP Fee Reimbursement Scheme to reimburse fees and give scholarships to students. Around 16 lakh more students will get their fees reimbursed and scholarships as compared to the previous session. A total of 55 lakh (approx) students will get reimbursement in this academic year. Last year, 39 lakh students from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, General Category, OBC, and Minority Students were able to get scholarships and fee compensation facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
What is UP Fee Reimbursement Scheme 2021
Under the UP Fee Reimbursement Scheme, the state govt. will reimbuse the already submitted fees of the beneficiaries. As reported by Hindustan Live, this year, the scholarship amount, as well as fee reimbursement, will be transferred directly to the beneficiaries bank account. PK Tripathi, the Joint Director, Department of Social Welfare, said that this year, the scholarship fee compensation amount will be transferred to the bank account in two phases to the students of classes 11-12 and above. However, students of classes 9 and 10 will be given scholarships by the government itself.
Important Dates for Amount Transfer
As per the report, the eligible students will be given 40% of the scholarship amount by the Department of Social Welfare, Minority Welfare, and OBC Welfare in the first phase. In addition to this, 60% of the amount will be transferred from the centre to the accounts in the second phase.
Students, who already had applied for the scholarship and fee reimbursement, will get the amount by 27 December 2021 after verification. The verification of 15 lakh candidates will be completed by November 25 and the amount will be credited from November 30 onwards. The rest of the students who will apply for the same by November 29 are likely to get the amount by December 27.
UP Scholarship and Fee Reimbursement Online System
उत्तर प्रदेश छात्रवृत्ति एवं शुल्क प्रतिपूर्ति ऑनलाइन प्रणाली or Uttar Pradesh Scholarship and Fee Reimbursement Online System is an initiative aimed at providing financial support to students at different levels of education in the state. UP Scholarship include multiple pre-matric and post-matric schemes for SC/ST/OBC/Minority/General category candidates.
UP Scholarship / Fee Reimbursement Portal Link
The official link to access UP Scholarship and Fee Reimbursement online system is http://scholarship.up.gov.in/. All the students as well as institutes can make registration and login at this UP Scholarship / Fee Reimbursement portal link. Along with this, facility of all sessions reports, time table of previous sessions, application status check, grievance redressal is also present at Scholarship UP Gov website.
Meanwhile, the state government is accepting online applications for free laptop schemes. As many as 22 lakh students are expected to get benefitted under this scheme. Class 10 and 12 students who are residents of Uttar Pradesh can apply for this scheme.